Friday, 18 November 2016

Stereotypes Theorists.

Tessa Perkins

  • Stereotypes are not always negative.
  • They are not always about minority groups or the less powerful
  • They can be held about one's own group
  • They are not rigid or unchanging
  • Not always false
These assumptions are shown or argued against in the clip from Hotel Babylon. The first point that stereotypes are not always negative is argued against at the start of Hotel Babylon as the view that all the foreign people are immigrants is represented, however as the scene progressed it was clear to see that the stereotype wasn't negative. The immigrants were actually very knowledgeable people. In Hotel Babylon the clip is about less powerful group and how they are much further down the hierarchy, below authority. Although the immigrant workers join together and help each other to try and gain power. It isn't entirely about one's own group as there were many different ethnicity groups in this scene. The view of immigrant workers can change as it has over the years and peoples views have become differed. 

Leon Festinger

Festinger's theory was called the 'cognitive theory' He argues that we resist adjusting our attitudes unless faced with overwhelming evidence against it. He believed that we seek out confirmation of our thoughts/beliefs.

Hotel Babylon and similar TV dramas are popular due to the way the programme interprets the situation. Everyone has their own personal view and beliefs on certain types of people and different minority groups and this can't be changed as this is what people and believe and stick by it. However the views of the immigration officer coming to remove the immigrants can change as his role in law may usually be seen as protagonist but in this case people may feel sympathy for the immigrants and then see the workers as antagonistic.

Avarado's racial stereotypes (1978) 

  • Exotic- positive representation, showing them that they may speak multiple languages or more knowledgeable of other cultures. Conveying that they are highly educated. 
  • Dangerous- Stereotyping them as violent and that that they have the control of a bad situation. 
  • Humorous- this is a positive representation to an extent, it's potraying them as sociably friendly however may come across that they are also incapable of being serious.
  • Pitied- Coming across weak, makes you feel sorry for them. This portrays minorities as sub-ordinate due to the fact they are in need of help from a dominant figure0

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